Welcome to the Grand Hotel Barbarella

An oasis of peace with solarium and magnificent swimming pool

Minimal lines for a hotel 15 minutes from the historic center of Naples and 5 minutes from the ancient city of Puteoli, today’s Pozzuoli. Crossing the threshold of our hotel you will find yourself in an oasis of peace, among cozy sofas on the terrace, the solarium and a beautiful swimming pool.

Hotel Barbarella Life

Crossing the threshold of our structure you will enter a new timeless dimension for complete relaxation of the body and soul. You will discover a new dimension of time by entering the garden and the fantastic swimming pool.

The Suites

The Suites, large and spacious, with attention to every detail with refined furnishings, lend themselves to the standards of Italian hospitality.

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Hotel Barbarella Style

Hotel Barbarella is the ideal destination for those who want to stay in complete relaxation just a few minutes from the beauties of the city of Naples and taking advantage of the following services

Where we are

An enviable position a few steps from History and the Sea

Barbarella Hotels

View all the structures of the Barbarella Hotels group

Barbarella Suite
Via Cervantes,64
80133 Napoli

Barbarella Home
Vico Santa Maria in Portico,3
80122 Napoli

Barbarella Spa
Piazza G.Bovio, 14 int.224
80133 Napoli

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